
1Sun Yat-sen Universityhttps://www.sysu.edu.cn/
2South China University of Technologyhttps://www.scut.edu.cn/
3Jinan Universityhttps://www.jnu.edu.cn/
4South China Normal Universityhttps://scnu.edu.cn/
5South China Agricultural Universityhttps://www.scau.edu.cn/
6Guangdong University of Technologyhttps://www.gdut.edu.cn/
7Guangzhou Universityhttp://www.gzhu.edu.cn/
8Southern Medical Universityhttps://www.smu.edu.cn/
9Guangdong University of Foreign Studieshttps://www.gdufs.edu.cn/
10Guangzhou Medical Universityhttps://www.gzhmu.edu.cn/

มหาวิทยาลัยซุนยัดเซ็นSun Yat-sen University - Wikipedia
Sun Yat-sen University
เว็บไซต์ : https://www.sysu.edu.cn/ , https://shenzhen.sysu.edu.cn/

 中山大学珠海校区基地| 广东省野外科学观测研究站环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外观察研究站

มหาวิทยาลัยซุนยัตเซ็น ก่อตั้งขึ้นในปี พ.ศ. 2467 โดย ดร. ซุนยัตเซ็น มหาวิทยาลัยมีวิทยาเขต 5 แห่ง 3 เมืองในกว่างโจว  จูไห่ และเซินเจิ้น และโรงพยาบาลในเครือ 10 แห่ง โดยวิทยาเขตกว่างโจวมีวิทยาลัย (ภาควิชา) 33 แห่ง วิทยาเขตจูไห่มีวิทยาลัย (ภาควิชา) 20 แห่ง และวิทยาเขตเซินเจิ้นมีวิทยาลัย (ภาควิชา) 16 แห่ง 

Guangzhou Campuses (A-Z)
Department of Chinese
School of Government
Department of History
School of Information Management
Department of Philosophy
School of Journalism and Communication
Department of Physical Education
School of Law (School of Intellectual Property, School of International Maritime & Oceans Law)
Department of Psychology
School of Life Sciences
Guanghua School of Stomatology
School of Marxism
Liberal Arts College (University General Education Unit)
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Lingnan College
School of Mathematics
School of Art
School of National Secrecy
School of Business
School of Nursing
School of Chemistry
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Computer Science and Engineering (School of Software)
School of Physics
School of Cybersecurity
School of Public Health
School of Electronics and Information Technology (School of Microelectronics)
School of Sociology and Anthropology
School of Environmental Science and Engineering
School of Systems Science and Engineering
School of Foreign Languages
Zhongshan School of Medicine
School of Geography and Planning

Zhuhai Campus (A-Z)
Department of Chinese (Zhuhai
School of International Relations
Department of History (Zhuhai)
School of International Studies
Department of Philosophy (Zhuhai)
School of Marine Engineering and Technology
International School of Business & Finance
School of Marine Sciences
School of Artificial Intelligence
School of Mathematics (Zhuhai)
School of Atmospheric Sciences
School of Microelectronics Science and Technology
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology
School of Physics and Astronomy
School of Civil Engineering
School of Software Engineering
School of Earth Sciences and Engineering
School of Tourism Management
School of Geospatial Engineering and Science
Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Shenzhen Campus (A-Z)

Business School
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering
School of Advanced Energy
School of Integrated Circuits
School of Advanced Manufacturing
School of Intelligent Systems Engineering
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
School of Materials
School of Agriculture
School of Medicine
School of Biomedical Engineering
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Shenzhen)
School of Cyber Science and Technology
School of Public Health (Shenzhen)
School of Ecology
School of Science
รายละเอียด https://www.sysu.edu.cn/sysuen/Academics/Schools___Departments_A_Z.htm 

รายละเอียด https://www.sysu.edu.cn/sysuen/Research1/ResearchInstitutes/National_Level.htm 

Name of Institute
Unit at SYSU
State Key Laboratory Approved by: Ministry of Science and Technology
1. State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies (Sun Yat-sen University)
School of Electronics and Information Technology/ School of Physics/ School of Materials Science and Engineering/ School of Chemistry
2. State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol (Sun Yat-sen University) School of Life Sciences
3. State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China (Sun Yat-sen University) Cancer Center
4. State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology (Sun Yat-sen University) Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center

National Engineering Research Center Approved by: National Development and Reform Commission
1 National Engineering Research Center of South China Sea Marine Biotechnology / School of Marine Sciences

National Engineering Technology Research Center Approved by: Ministry of Science and Technology

1 National Engineering Research Center of Digital Life / School of Data and Computer Science
Clinical Trial Research Center Approved by: Ministry of Science and Technology

1 National Clinical Study Center for Anticancer Drugs / Cancer Center

National Center for International Joint Research Approved by: Ministry of Science and Technology
1 International Joint Research Center for Translational Medicine / Zhongshan School of Medicine

International Science and Technology Cooperation Base Approved by: Ministry of Science and Technology
1 International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of IncRNA and Serious Diseases
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital

State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory Approved by: National Development and Reform Commission
1 State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory of Molecular Diagnosis of Clinical Medicine / DAAN Gene Co., Ltd.

2 State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory of  Digital Home Interactive Applications / School of Data and Computer Science

3 State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory of Semiconductor Lighting Materials and Devices / School of Electronics and Information Technology

4 State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory of Estuarine Hydraulic Technology / School of Marine Sciences / School of Marine Engineering and Technology

5 State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory of IOT IC and System Application Technologies / School of Electronics and Information Technology

6 State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory of  Druggability and New Drugs Evaluation / School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

7 State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory of  Diagnosis and Treatment of Vascular Diseases / The First Affiliated Hospital

State-Province Joint Engineering Research Center Approved by: National Development and Reform Commission
1 State-Province Joint Engineering Research Center of RFID and IoT Tag Technologies / School of Electronics and Information Technology

2 State-Province Joint Engineering Research Center of Stem Cells and  Regenerative Medicine / Zhongshan School of Medicine

National Engineering Laboratory Approved by: National Development and Reform Commission
1 National Engineering Laboratory for AMOLED Process Technology / School of Electronics and Information Technology

Collaborative Innovation Center Approved by: Ministry of Education
1 Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine / Cancer Center

Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities Approved by: Ministry of Education
1 Institute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-sen University / Department of Philosophy

2 Center for Studies of Hong Kong, Macao and Pearl River Delta, Sun Yat-sen University

3 Institute of Marxist Philosophy and Chinese Modernization / Department of Philosophy

4 Center for Chinese Public Administration Research / School of Government

5 Centre for Historical Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University / Department of History

6 Institute of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage, Sun Yat-sen University / Department of Chinese


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